Kids Group Guitar Lessons

    Lessons for Term 2, 2024

    Group Guitar Lessons - spaces available, book in now

    Age Limit: 6-12 year olds
    Group Size: 2-4 students max

    Lesson Times: Guitar Lessons for Term 2, 2024
    Start Dates: Week of Monday 6th May
    End Date: Week of Friday 5th July
    Class Length: 9 weeks
    Lesson Length: 30 mins

    Lesson Pricing:
    Per School Term: $180 for 9 lessons ($20 per lesson)

    Payment Terms:
    Invoiced after booking, payment via bank or credit card
    *Missed group lessons by students cannot be re-scheduled

    Lesson Location:
    Guitar Lessons Room (upstairs) – 83C Hardy Street, Nelson

    Book Kids Group Lessons:

    Total Beginner / Beginner Classes

    Thursdays 4:00-4:30pm

    Intermediate Classes

    Wednesdays 4:00-4:30pm

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    Ability Level:

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    Kids Group Guitar Lessons

    Are your kids interested in learning guitar and want an easy and fun way with Kids Group Guitar Lessons?

    If they are a beginner, intermediate or advanced on the guitar, Phil can teach from any level to improve their guitar playing skills.

    Learn to play in a relaxed, fun & friendly environment with an experienced tutor.

    There are limited spaces available with a maximum of 4 per group with classes filling fast.

    Book now to secure a position!

    Total Beginner Classes

    For very beginners who know very little or nothing.

    Learn basic chords, strumming & picking patterns, popular riffs & songs. Learn the basics to get you started & making some music.

    Beginner Classes

    For beginners or if you can play a little already.

    Learn more chords, strumming & picking patterns, popular riffs & songs. Learn more to improve your playing and sound better.

    Top 5 Benefits of Learning the Guitar

    Among all musical instruments, the guitar stands out as being the most popular. Many people find guitar playing very ‘cool’ and is deemed as an image enhancing pursuit, this perhaps has a lot to do with the ‘rockstar’ image the instrument conveys. 

    But that apart, it goes without saying that a lot of school kids, college students and even young professionals love to learn the guitar. This is obvious from the fact that guitar classes are burgeoning and there are so many online courses also which seem to be bursting at the very seams. 

    While there is a certain dowdy and rather traditional image that learning and playing the piano seems to have, the guitar does not suffer from such bad press. While a lot of the joy of guitar playing seems to come from just being able to create tunes on the guitar, there are other benefits as well from this passion. Here are 5 of these benefits:

    • Self Esteem: Playing the guitar great enhances the self esteem and confidence of any person. If you know how to play the guitar, and are able to perform, at whatever level, you get a lot of personal satisfaction. This also greatly boosts your self confidence as you feel more assured of your capabilities
    • Social Skills: When you are young, it seems as if playing the guitar can serve the purpose of enhancing your social desirability. A guitar is always a great talking point whether it is in the college canteen or a train that you decide to start playing.

    • Mental Ability and Agility: There have been many types of research that indicates that playing the guitar is good for your mental ability and agility too. For instance, when learning to play the guitar, you have to assign a lot of things to your memory which jogs the grey matter of your brain to a very large extent. When children learn how to play the guitar, they have to memorize chords and charts, aspects of songs and even music theory as well as other aspects that help in keeping the brain quite agile. This also helps in multi-tasking as you have to use both your right brain as well as the lefty brain in order to ensure that you are able to do a good task while playing the guitar.
    • Musical Inclinations: Playing the guitar is quite beneficial for those who want to hone their musical appreciation and skills also. Learning musical notations as well as chords also helps one to develop oneself musically and perhaps take up music as a professional artist or a music composer and director too.
    • The Fun Element: Playing the guitar spices up your life and makes it much easier for you to spend time with yourself, friends and family too. It can also help to brighten up the mood when you are feeling low or blue.

    There are indeed so many benefits to learning how to play the